made the headlines|make the headline in English

appeared in the news

Use "made the headlines|make the headline" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "made the headlines|make the headline" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "made the headlines|make the headline", or refer to the context using the word "made the headlines|make the headline" in the English Dictionary.

1. In fact, I scoured the headlines looking for the best headline in a newspaper I could.

2. The engagement of the two tennis stars made headline news.

3. For years, the couple's tempestuous relationship made the headlines.

4. Please, Clutch, can we make that the headline of the homepage?

5. The rescue made headlines worldwide and sent the rebels into a tailspin.

6. The Commotion caused by the political scandal made headlines all over the country

7. Since when can an old lady selling vegetables make headline?

8. 11 His arrest and ultimate acquittal on cocaine smuggling charges made headlines in the mid-1980s.

9. Once the question of the location of the state leper home was settled, the disease ceased to make headlines.

10. In the summer of 2008, Arias made national headlines when she was charged with murdering her …

11. The headline read 'Judge raps police'.

12. Use Bold fonts to emphasize text or to make a contrast between body and headline text

13. 1 Headlines blared the Watergate.

14. The presenter read the news headlines.

15. 28 That strike ended in the spring of 19 when Caterpillar made headlines by threatening to permanently replace the strikers.

16. Cults have made headlines around the world for many years and continue to fascinate in documentaries and popular podcasts

17. 'Carnage at Airport ', screamed the tabloid headline.

18. Well, there's a headline.

19. Headlines blazed the most exciting news.

20. 23 The headlines are blaring the scandal.

21. Accelerating headline inflation

22. He always manages to grab the headlines.

23. The headline read "Local council plans shake-up".

24. Newspapers around the world had headlines saying,

25. And we hand that summary to journalists and policy makers in order to make headlines like these.